Monday, November 28, 2016

Carnival of the Animals

We have been enjoying learning about the wonderful piece of music, Carnival of the Animals written by Saint-Saens.
We have listened to the music, looked at a beautiful app on the ipads about the story and then we choose a character to write about.
Just read our great stories!

I am the angler-fish. I have a light on my head so I can see my prey.

I like the swan. It is gliding on the lake. It is paddling softly. I like it.

The lion is roaring because he is happy because he is pouncing in the parade.

I am a cuckoo blue bird. I am hiding from the foxes and I am hiding in the bushes.

Tortoises are very, very, very, very slow. They did not just live when humans did. They even lived when lizards and dinosaurs lived. Then dinosaurs turned into fossils. Fossils maybe scary to you, but even poo can turn into fossils. Fossils aren't scary. I'm a tortoise which can turn into a fossil! The long ago tortoise end! Blurb: Read this book, then you will turn into a tortoise or a fossil! Blurb end!

I was in a lake. Guess what came across the lake? A green turtle. It came out of the lake. It walked in the land so slowly. Do you know what the slowest animal in this country is. It was my best day!

I'm a big and furry turtle. I like to eat leaves. I like to drink water. I like to chew my shell. Well, it is hard.

Grrr! I am a lion. I like meat and I like people. My lion is hungry. He wants some lunch! (Part One!).

I'm the swan. I'm pink and I am in my pyjamas. It is night time. I'm gliding across the Saint-Saens.

When I got home there was a lot of kangaroos messing up my home. I felt worried. I could not get inside because they were blocking the door and it was hard to open the door.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Most Precious Thing ...

We wrote some stories about the most precious thing in the world.
(We have been learning about money in maths and were talking about how you can't actually buy many things that are truly precious).
Here are some of them for you to enjoy.

The most precious thing in the world is ... my fluffy dog, because it follows me and it likes me and it is so precious.
By Lakai

The most precious thing in the whole universe is ...
Friends! Because otherwise there will be no love, which means there will be hitting, fighting and other bad stuff. The good end.
By Joel

My cochlear implant is very precious. I do not want to break it - under the water or throw it on the ground. It is so clever. It helps me to hear.
By Natalia

The most precious thing in the world is brushing my teeth and going to sleep and I call my Mum to read me a story please.
By Moral

My dog is special to me because she is beautiful. I pat her too. I love her, to bits.
By Jessica

The most precious thing is a hidden diamond in a cave that has got blood and skeletons. When I had the diamond I ran away because when I had the diamond the skeletons came back alive.
By Liam

More From the Junior Athletics

Our media team, of senior students, do a great job of taking photos of school happenings. They did an amazing job of recording the Junior Athletics - so couldn't resist adding a medley of photos for you to enjoy.

Junior Athletics

We all had lots of fun during the Junior Athletics. There was lots of fun, laughter, striving to do our best and pride in our accomplishments. Even the weather co-operated!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday

We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful learners in The Landing.
As you will have seen from the school website all our buildings have been checked and are fine, so we will be all set for our learning.
We hope you have had a quiet, restful and uneventful day.  (We all like those sort of days!).

You may already have seen this excellent advice from Nigel Latta, but here is the link if you would like a look.  (I think avoiding being saturated by the media is good advice for us all!).

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Thanks for all your support with the children attending AquaGym.
It has been a busy, fun and worthwhile week (and we are sure many of the children in The Landing will have slept well!). 
We have been impressed with their water confidence and skills. These have all increased as well, with the daily lessons. 
Swimming continues next week, so remember togs, towels and bags.