Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Busy Mornings

At the start of each day, each Home Room (Rooms 9 and 10) in The Landing starts with some really valuable teaching and learning.
This includes; settling the children for the day, greetings (in different languages) maths and literacy skills using the calendar and timetable, calling the roll and the news board.
The news board is a really important way to teach about the world around us, while also teaching and reinforcing vital reading and writing skills.
We are always amazed at the amount of learning that goes on during those first 10 to 15 minutes at school!!
This makes it really important that your child is on time for the school day. Not only so they can settle into their learning day, but also so that they can fully participate in this important part of the programme.
If you are unavoidably late, we ask that your child comes in as quietly as possible to minimise distractions for other young learners.

Here is LingLing doing some learning at news board time!

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